Litter O / May 2023
Date of Birth: 05/21/2023
1 Female / 2 Males
A difficult litter to raise... Caprishka suffered an infection in her teats, which caused toxic milk syndrome, in the process unfortunately we lost 4 puppies but managed to save 3. Because the puppies could not nurse their mother's milk We had to raise them with a tube and a bottle, until they began to eat porridge. Capri was always close by accompanying her babies, and although it was a difficult and painful situation, it had a happy ending.
Caprishka and the 3 puppies managed to overcome the situation.
I decided to keep the two males from the litter, the original idea was to choose a puppy, but honestly I couldn't do it, both puppies are exceptional, with an exquisite temperament. And although it is always difficult to choose a puppy within a litter, in the end the one that is believed to be the most appropriate for the group is chosen. But it was the first time that he felt bewilderment trying to choose just one. Both are everything I look for in a male, robust and solid heads, clean, straight and masculine cuts, good pigment and excellent structure.
I usually keep the names that I choose in the pedigree record, listed in alphabetical order, and conscientiously chosen by names that go according to each personality, and that in turn are significant to me, but this time I chose two special names for these two beautiful babies, who have earned my admiration. Their strength to live, how much they fought, the hours and hours dedicated to their survival make this litter particularly unique. Both the female, who already lives with her new family who loves her madly, and her two brothers, are puppies with whom I have a strong bond, linked to the battle I had to face for them to survive.
El macho de cinta azul, pelo largo llamado en su pedigree Ozzy Osbourne, lleva el apodo de «Tatanka», en idioma Lakota significa Bufalo. Un animal considerado sagrado para los lakotas.
The buffalo represents the moment to reconnect with the meaning of life and the value of peace, praise the gifts you already have, recognize and honor the sacredness of all paths even if they are different from yours.
The gray-ribbon male, with short hair, named Oberyn Martell in his pedigree, bears the nickname Íkaro, a name used to refer to the magical and sacred songs used in traditional Peruvian Amazonian medicine. They are of various types and have three dimensions: energetic, sound and semantic. A través de estos cantos, se invocan a los espíritus y se les solicita su ayuda e intervención.