"Pleasure in the task puts perfection in the work"


Our home

Every day I improve our space, I am always thinking about how to improve the lives of my dogs, the upbringing and the stay of my puppies at home 

Puppy room

The internal room is part of the house, it is located next to my room, although the first 15 days of a litter's life I sleep next to them, because they need supervision 24 hours a day, this is the only way to avoid crushing accidents. hypothermia if a puppy strays and cannot return to mom, control the feeding time, because all puppies must nurse equally, and it is extremely important to watch them at night as well, since a small puppy can deteriorate in a matter of hours. The room is monitored by security cameras, the main farrowing house, which has a heat lamp that I use to maintain an adequate and constant temperature. The games, unlike those in the yard, are for younger ages, and are withdrawn when the puppies are old enough to change their needs, this must be the case because each week of life a puppy's requirements change, a stuffed toy is appropriate for a 30-day-old baby, but not for a 45-day-old, because it becomes risky, they can ingest the filler or parts of it. In the periods that we do not have puppies, the room remains empty, and the walls, blankets, curtains, toys, floor, farrowing pen and everything possible are disinfected regularly.

Puppy Playground

We have a 7m by 8m space exclusively for puppies, which in addition to having a space of land and grass, has a gallery that covers 8m by 2.50m. It is located next to the house, where there are two 2m by 2m windows so it is easy to see them all the time from the inside. It also has a security camera monitoring system to be able to supervise the well-being of the puppies in the event that I have to leave the house. From 25 to 35 days, depending on the litter and the weather, they leave with permanent supervision, the mother only breastfeeds them, but then they remain alone (under my care, of course!), it is necessary for them to adapt to new spaces without help from mom, for the correct development of temperament. Mom returns to breastfeed and clean them when she considers it necessary, they are permanently in sight of her, since only a fence separates them. In the beginning, they are only in this courtyard when the weather is appropriate (neither hot nor cold), then they return to the inner room to spend the night hours or inappropriate temperatures for them.
Over time the hours they are outside are extended, in summer and after 50 days of life, they remain in the playground day and night, mom only breastfeeds them during the day, at night she rests. In winter, the puppies sleep in the internal room, and come out only when the temperature is adequate. The patio has games that stimulate the mind and the musculoskeletal system. In the periods that we do not have puppies, the space remains empty, adults and young people are not allowed to enter, and it is disinfected at least 3 times before a new litter, from the land/grass to the drinkers, toys and games that make up part of the pen And it is fumigated 3 times a year or as many times as necessary.

Sector A: Adults

Our adult dogs live distributed throughout the house, but there are fixed areas for some of them. All sectors of the house are monitored by security cameras, to be able to see all the dogs at times when I am not in the house. In the first sector are the retired females, or who are about to do so, since the level of energy and temperament change with age and they need a bit of peace from the overwhelming energy of young males and females, in this same sector they go rotating the young females that come into heat, they only stay here during the heat, then they return to sector B, there are no males in this yard. Also if we have a pregnant female, she remains in this sector, since she is the calmest and safest for her condition. Sometimes the puppies can enter when they are older, to learn healthy behaviors and habits from the wise grandmothers of the pack, there are no better teachers in life than them. Our retired females are neutered, and will stay here until nature unfortunately takes them away. None of our retired dogs are rehomed or given to another family, they grow old with me, and I am happy and proud that they do.

Sector B: Adults

The second sector is for young dogs and adult males. Here are the unruly of the house, all day playing and doing mischief, they have a two-story hutch, with thermal insulation and a sheet metal roof that is anti-hail. In this sector, the entry of puppies is not allowed, because the energy and little subtlety of the young and adult males, can put their safety at risk, since they can take them ahead in their daily runs or rough games. We have ecological traps to control flies in summer, all spaces are fumigated twice a year. The cleaning and improvement of the place is permanent.

Sector C:  Adultos

Este sector esta aun en construcción, cuenta con 3 caniles. Cerrados con tejido romboidal de 2mts de alto y base de cemento.

No soy partidaria de la crianza en jaulas, los caniles son solo herramientas para la seguridad y bienestar de los perros. Una herramienta más de trabajo, se usan de manera intermitente.
El propósito de tener caniles en el lugar es solamente preventivo, es decir cuando el lugar esta solo y debo ausentarme, los perros conflictivos (destructores, dominantes o ruidosos) permanecen en los caniles solo cuando yo no estoy en el lugar, luego están sueltos con el resto de la manada. Ningún perro esta de manera permanente en los caniles. Es una manera de mantener también la seguridad de los machos cuando hay hembras en celo, ya que su temperamento puede llegar a ser algo más hostil entre ellos, y a pesar de que son razas de baja agresividad, prefiero no poner en riesgo a ninguno y contar con la seguridad de caniles individuales.

Canil 1: Tiene una superficie total de 4mts x 9,50mts, la cual cuenta con una parte cubierta de chapa y paredes de material, de 3,70ms por 3,60mts, con una galería de 4mts por 1mt, y una parte al aire libre de 5,80mts por 4mts. 
Canil 2: Tiene una superficie total de 3,15mts x 9,50mts, la cual cuenta con una parte cubierta de chapa y paredes de material, de 3,70ms por 3,15mts, con una galería de 3,15mts por 1mt, y una parte al aire libre de 5,80mts por 3.15mts. 
Canil 3: Tiene una superficie total de 3,90mts x 9,50mts, la cual cuenta con una parte cubierta de chapa de 1,80ms por 3,70mts, con una galería de 1,80mts por 1mt, y una parte al aire libre de 9,50mts por 3.15mts. En el caso de que se necesite este canil tiene conexión con la superficie cubierta del canil 2.


Some memories of the construction of our home. I'm still building and improving the place, sector C is in progress!
